Warsaw polka (.mp3 Format)

Inventing Entertainment: The Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies
Created/Published: Orange, N.J. : Edison, 1922.
Aleksander Iwanowski
"Cherry" harmonika solo: Wykonal
Coupling date:
Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Warsaw polka

CREATED/PUBLISHED: Orange, N.J. : Edison, 1922.
NOTES: Coupling date: 8/21/1922. Cutout date: 10/31/1929.
With (reverse side): Polski taniec / Aleksander Iwanowski.
SUBJECTS: Polkas (Accordion)
Poles--United States--Music.
Accordion music.
OTHER TITLES: Warsaw polka
Polka Warszawska "wiszniaczka"
MEDIUM: 1 sound disc : analog, 80 rpm ; 10 in.
CALL NUMBER: Edison Diamond Disc 65311-L
REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
DIGITAL ID: edrs 65311l